About Us
We’re Wade and Dani, an Ozzie + Brazilian couple. Our journey together began in April of 2014, when we met each other on Tinder (yes, I know). Our first date was at Dee Why Beach. We went for a walk by the beach and had ice cream while getting to know each other.
Back then, we had no clue what the future would bring us, but right from the start, we talked SO much about travelling and all the places we wanted to visit, that we both felt a strong connection from day 1.
After that first date, we didn’t stop talking, and soon after that we went on Dani’s first EVER camping trip with Wade’s friends. We shared a swag, and had no shower for 2 days but that was one of the best experiences Dani has ever had. She loved the simplicity of it all. Having friends all around a campfire, with a few drinks, around nature, was her new idea of the perfect weekend getaway.
Soon after that, we started officially dating.
Early 2015, we went on our first international trip together to Brazil. Wade was introduced to Dani’s friends and family and we took this opportunity to visit some of the beautiful places Brazil has to offer. After this trip, the travel bug started growing on us, so we kept on exploring new places and creating beautiful memories whenever we could.
For the next few years, we continued working full-time, bought a unit, traveled to New Zealand twice, to Brazil another 4 times, and traveled a little bit around Australia when we had some time off work. However, we always knew we wanted to do something more.
It was always in the back of our minds that our life, at that time, was having to work for 12 months so we could enjoy 30 days of vacation. We would only have 30 days a year !! to see the world. That is just not enough time for us.
We know this works for some people, but we wanted more. Know more. Feel more. And the truth is, you only have one life. There is no other chances. You have just a few years around to experience this world and to create your story. We wanted to do this while we were still young and full of energy.
We never wanted to reach the end of our life, look back and regret not having traveled further and experienced the world even more.
We started to see photos of travellers in this #vanlife journey, and we would get so excited imagining what an experience like this would be like.
Over the years we have rented camper vans, both in New Zealand and Australia, and we loved every bit of it. We could totally see ourselves living in one for a period of time.
So, at the end of 2020 and after many years talking about it, we took the leap and bought an empty Mercedes Sprinter Van with the vision of transforming it into our dream tiny home on wheels to travel around Australia.
From Office Life to Van Life
As soon as we bought our empty van, we started an Instagram page to show our family and friends our van build process and a little bit about our future travels around Australia. Little did we know that this platform would become a place for like-minded individuals – those who shared our passion for the van life lifestyle and those who were either living it or planning a lap around Australia.
For seven months, we dedicated our time and energy to building our dream campervan. What makes this journey even more remarkable is that we began our van build with absolutely NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE in campervan conversion. Countless hours were spent researching, watching YouTube videos, and learning the art of turning an empty van into our tiny home on wheels.
We had to learn EVERYTHING to do with electrical systems, cabinetry, plumbing, and whatever else we needed to get this job completed.
During this time, Wade started realizing he wasn’t happy at his office job. He had been working in the security industry for the last 15 years. He was working as an operations manager and was ready to quit his job and look for a career change when the pandemic started.
We both started working from home, and Wade decided to postpone his decision to quit now that he didn’t have to go to the office and sit in traffic for an hour each way to work. While working from home, he started thinking of ways to change careers eventually. He connected with a friend that was telling him about how he was making a really good income from his blog and recommended the same SEO course he did.
Intrigued by the prospect of a different career trajectory, Wade enrolled in an SEO course (link to the course here), immersing himself in the world of blogging..
By the time our van was finally complete, Wade’s decision was clear. He was determined to leave the office job behind and embark on a new chapter. Unfortunately, a family emergency in Brazil temporarily changed our plans. We made the decision to leave our campervan with Wade’s parents and relocate to Brazil for six months.
While Dani continued her role as a finance manager during our time in Brazil, Wade seized the opportunity to launch THIS blog.
We have now travelled full time for almost 2 years supported by the diverse sources of income we’ve created on this journey. These include content creation for brands, affiliate marketing, advertisements, and more.
Through our photography and travel guides, our mission is to inspire you to embark on your dream journey. We hope to provide guidance and support in any way we can.
If you’re eager to learn more about our campervan conversion process, the incredible destinations we explore, or how we’ve established many online income sources, you’ve come to the right place.
We don’t know what lies ahead, much less who we will be at the end of this journey, but we do know that, at the end of our lives, we will look back and see that we made the right decision to live life to its fullest and see the world in the best way we can.
Thank you for being part of our journey!
Wade & Dani
Hello!! I’m Daniela, but please call me Dani.
I was born and raised in Brazil. Graduated in Business Administration in 2013 and completed a Masters of Accounting in Australia, in 2019.
My first major travel experience was in 2008, when I went to California for 1 year to become fluent in English. I can easily say I was not the same person after that. I saw what the world outside of my Brazilian bubble could be like and it was amazing!!
I had to go back home to finish my graduation, but as soon as I was done (in the same year I graduated) I moved to Australia. The plan was to spend 6 months there and see if I would adapt, learn some more english, travel and get to know different cultures. 8 years later, I am still here.
In 2014 I met Wade, my soulmate who has said yes to all my crazy adventure ideas from the beginning, and also who brought some new ones to the picture, which I have said yes to. We explore the most beautiful destinations together and we share it all with you through our Instagram.
Born and raised on the beautiful Northern Beaches, Australia. I grew up with salty hair and skin and would spend my days by the beach after school.
I had never travelled outside of the east coast of Australia as a kid and only when I was 21 I took the first trip on my own with friends to the United States. That was the moment I caught the travel bug for life.
My love for the ocean led to this great passion that is traveling. And when I met Dani, we connected in a way that I can’t really put into words, I just know that we both had this intense desire to discover the world.
I had worked in the security industry for 15 years and I have never liked my jobs. I was getting paid really good money so I never really thought about leaving or doing something else… However, when COVID hit, I was spending more time working from home and was not able to plan any long or short getaways, so I started going crazy.
I started realizing this was not the life I wanted for myself and this is when Dani and I have finally made the decision, after years of talking about it, to buy a van and convert into a campervan. Not long after I quit my job.
Now we can honestly say that this was the best decision of our lives and we can’t wait to start collecting some memorable experiences. I am chasing the life of my dreams, and I hope we can inspire you to do the same.